Queensland has many beautiful views, especially around Redcliffe. At Seapointe Homes, we help you maximise those views with our two storey or high-set homes. These homes are created with the Queensland climate in mind and put you high above obstacles to give you an uninterrupted view.
For Any Size of Lot
What lot size do you have? Seapointe Homes works on any kind of lot. We adapt our techniques to suit narrow lot sizes as well as large ones. There’s no need to worry about complications from the shape of your lot. Come to us for advice about your two storey or high set home and your lot.
Independent Living
Your home needs to be able to do a lot. We can create independent living spaces in your home so that everyone has space, whether it’s your ageing parents or your older child. Let us know about the living spaces you want in your home, and we’ll get them all in there for you and your family.